
Do we need to worry about Trade Wars?

The primary reason that countries engage in protection is to promote the economic strength of the home country, including employment, often at points when the global economy is weak, or when there is rising competition from foreign participants. Through stronger local industry a country becomes less reliant on imports from foreign nations, providing a stronger base from which to direct its own growth policies.

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The Davis Tax Committee releases its final report on Estate Duty

The Davis Tax Committee (the “DTC”) has been tasked with reviewing South African Tax Policy and providing recommendations for improvements to the policy framework. Their reports are advisory in nature and it is the prerogative of Minister of Finance to determine whether or not any of the recommendations will become law after following the necessary

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Expected changes to taxation relating to local trusts.

The Davis Tax Committee\’s First Interim Report on Estate Duty (“DTC Report”) was released for public comment on 13 July 2015 and was met with wide debate and criticism. Although only in draft form, the report delivered some indications of potential changes to the trust tax regime in South Africa.

Expected changes to taxation relating to local trusts. Read More »

New Tax Treaty with Mauritius

The recently announced new tax agreement with Mauritius is aimed at preventing tax avoidance and/or evasion by multinational corporations and will apply from 1 January 2016.

The treaty introduces Capital Gains Tax (where the disposed investments derive more than 50% of their value from immovable property) and will levy tax on interest (10%) and royalties earned (5%). The two countries aim to work together to determine the tax status of mutual companies and trusts and work together to collect outstanding taxes.

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