- Find out your Vitality age by logging into the Discovery website and answering a few short questions on your mental and physical health – 1,500 points
- Complete your Mental Wellbeing Assessment – 500 points
- Do your Vitality Health Checks at Dischem or Clicks – up to 22,500 points depending on results. Health Checks measures your blood pressure, blood glucose, cholesterol, a BMI assessment a non-smokers declaration.
- Do your Vitality Fitness Assessment – up to 7,500 points depending on fitness level. However, if you reach your maximum fitness points allocation of 30,000 through achieving the weekly active rewards goals, the Vitality Fitness Assessment will not be required.
- Additional Health Checks that can earn your points include:
- Pap smear – 2,500 points
- Mammogram – 2,500 points
- Colonoscopy – 2,500 points
- Glaucoma screening – 2,500 points
- Initial HIV test – 7,500 points
- Annual HIV test – 1,000
- Dental health check – 1,000 points
- Flu vaccine – 1,000 points
- Activate the HealthyFood benefit and get up to 25% cash back from Pick n Pay or Woolworths – 20 points for every HealthyFood item purchased. (Maximum of 1 000 points a month).
- Visit a dietitian – 1,000 points
- Download the Discovery app and activate Vitality Active Rewards to achieve weekly fitness goals and receive rewards – Between 50 – 300 points up to a maximum of 30,000 per year (depending on the fitness activity).
Points required for 2021: